Indianapolis, Indiana

From the entrance of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, the visitor is led to an elevated pathway that follows the course of the ravine on the south side of the museum. From this path in the tree canopy it is possible to look down on elliptical trays slightly raised above the floor of the ravine. They fill with runoff from the paved area surrounding the museum during rainstorms, and water flows through the system for a period thereafter. Reaching an elevation of 20′ the path bridges the Central Canal and crosses into the wetland area of the Art and Nature Park. From here it continues above the wetland where a series of leaf shapes areas, edged by posts hold water temporarily after heavy rains. The path meets ground level to the north, connecting to the path leading to the Art and Nature Center.

Runoff water and its treatment are made the subject of focus as the visitor follows the path from the museum entrance to the nature preserve. Through this experience it is possible to become aware of the processes that connect the natural and built environments.  This was an early version of a project for the Indianapolis Museum of Art.